9 Items for your Glove Box

9 Items for your Glove Box

9 Items for your Glove Box

photo courtesy of Bing

Whether you Survive or not is most predictable by attitude. Without the right attitude all the appropriate skills and tools in the world won’t help you get through an emergency. But with the right attitude and some very basic tools within hands reach in your glove box, you can get through. To learn which items the survival mom feels are necessary for your glove box click on the titled link below.

9 Must-Haves for your Glove Box

As for accidents I recommend more than these tools intended to be used outside the tragedy of an accident. More and more often they are finding people alive trapped in their vehicles after an accident several days later. To radically improve your chances of surviving one of those accidents also see this article for what to carry in your accident bag.

An Interior Emergency Bag Could Make the Difference


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