8 Ways To Quickly and Frugally Build Up Your Food Stockpiles or Pantry

8 Ways To Quickly and Frugally Build Up Your Food Stockpiles or Pantry

8 Ways To Quickly and Frugally Build Up Your Food Stockpiles or Pantry

Photo: pinterest

We all know we should have a stockpile of at the very least basic food and other necessary supplies on hand. Most government programs recommend 72 hours and we recommend at least 6 months.

It’s really easy for me to set behind my lap top and recommend you have 6 months of supplies available when in fact that is a hunk of change from anyone’s budget. However, we don’t expect that you gather all this overnight. Small and steady building of your stockpile is more advantageous financially and practically.

The blog linked below from Living Life in Rural Iowa gives you 8 tips based on the method of stockpiling the author uses. It does mention stores that frankly are not accessible nation wide, never mind world wide. But most of us do have a store or two in our regions that are similar in nature and the idea transfers to any bulk or seconds store.

8 Ways To Quickly and Frugally Build Up Your Food Stockpiles and Pantry


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