7 Steps to MIY Wine Out of Anything

7 Steps to MIY Wine Out of Anything

 7 Steps to MIY Wine Out of Anything

Photo: hobbyfarms

Wine is a great barter item. Alcohol has been used for generations for all kinds of celebrations, ceremonies, and occasions. The hope for some sort of normalcy and the desire for what is often considered a luxury will be as strong after a SHTF event as it is in normal times. So even if you don’t partake, using extra or excess crops of any kind to make wine is a wise idea.

Hobby Farms gives us 7 basic steps to make wine out of almost anything! See them at the link below

(Warning: I did have a great deal of issues with the ads on the linked site, hopefully they have fixed the problem as the article is well worth the extra clicks to shut those down to see!)

7 Steps to Making Wine Out of Anything

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