The Most Likely Infections We Will Battle Post SHTF

The Most Likely Infections We Will Battle Post SHTF

 7 Most Likely Infections We Will Battle Post SHTF


Poor hygiene, a lack of safe water, poor cooking methods, hurried burials,  and less than adequate medical care will all lead to a plethora of infections that will plague the survivors of any major disaster.  History tells us that the number of casualties after a disaster will rise from these infections.

If we survive the initial event the last thing we need is to fight these infections. Be aware of what they are, how they begin and spread, and how we can prevent or treat them. The Prepper Project discusses what they are, how they happen, and how we can help prevent them at the featured link from Natural News  below

A list of the most common deadly infections you are likely to contract after SHTF


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