Principles of Preparedness

Principles of Preparedness


Principles of Preparedness

American Preppers Network

There are basic principles that represent the keys to being prepared.  There is the financial security and peace of mind that comes from having car insurance, home insurance, medical insurance, etc.  Personally, I have resented paying the constant rising costs associated with health insurance until I needed it! Now paying that insurance fee seems like dropping pennies in an old coffee can in comparison to what the medical bills would be without that preparation expense. My situation suddenly made that prep trade off worth every dime I paid over the years.

What many non-preppers leave off their list is “Standard of Living Insurance” when budgeting and charting their lives. Standard of living insurance at its core is being as prepared, self-reliant and self-sustaining as you possibly can in any situation. The better prepared the higher the odds are of maintaining an emotionally acceptable standard of living no matter what scenario you find yourself in. This came in real handy during the Covid lock downs. We were not among those staring at empty shelves nor paying exorbitant prices for basic supplies during the shipping and manufacturing crisis that resulted. Our standard of living was not impacted at all. 

We all have small “luxuries” that make us feel like things are more normal or that make life just a bit easier for us personally without feeling as deprived and less aggravated. It can be something as simple as having that hot cup of coffee first thing in the morning. Now in normal times when you look at the possibilities of what could be horrendous living conditions in a future emergency that small item seems irrelevant because your plans are for staying alive…. in the long run it isn’t irrelevant it is an important part of your sense of normal.

. To read more on the principals click on the titled link below:

5 Principles of Preparedness


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