4 Wild Teas Preppers Should Know

4 Wild Teas Preppers Should Know

4 Wild Teas Preppers Should Know

Photo from SHTF & Prepping Central

These wild teas are a fantastic source of nutrients and can really help keep morale up if you find yourself stuck in the wilderness especially in the cooler nights.

If you’re not sure about all this plant eating and foraging, don’t let a few bad plants scare you away from gathering wild foods. Take a respectable field guide with you and use it. The top recommendation is A Field Guide to Edible Wild Plants: Eastern and central North America (Peterson Field Guides)
The teas featured are all easy to make and I am told by a solider who has actually tried them all, that they taste good as well.

When you start to feel the warmth of the tea on a cold night, you will sit there glowing knowing that mother nature has your back. You just have to learn the skills.

4 Wild Teas Every Survivalist Should Know


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