25 Edible Wild Plants

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25 Edible Wild Plants

25 Edible Wild Plants

Photo: mdcreekmore.com

Everyone whether they admit it or not, whether they actively prepare or not, has some idea how they might at least get home during a disaster. Especially if you’re among those that don’t actively prepare and plan, you may find yourself walking a long distance and around areas that are now to dangerous or impassable since the disaster. What in normal times was a simple hike could turn into a days long trek. Or as is often with the best laid plans you could find yourself ousted from your home, or bug out location without your supplies.

Knowing how to obtain drinkable water and forage edible safe foods to carry you through until you are able to regroup or re-unite with your supplies could make all the difference. These edible wild plants can also boost up your supplies allowing you to make what you have last longer and provide you with much needed self sufficiency and replenish your supplies.

See what they are and where to locate them at our featured link from MDCreekmore below

Edible Wild Plants: 25 Wild Plants You Can Eat to Survive in the Wild


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