25 DIY Survival Items

25 DIY Survival Items

25 DIY Survival Items

Photo: 5 gal ideas

When I first read the featured blog, I thought “oh no, they are going to tell me being a gear junkie is a bad thing!” 😛 But mercifully they didn’t. The blog actually talks about necessary survival items  you can make yourself. Basic supplies that many of us stockpile.

If you make these supplies yourself. Not only can you save money (to buy gear with) 😉 but you will have the satisfaction of knowing what exactly is in it. Once you have the recipe or instruction of your choice you and then stockpile the ingredients rather than the product. You may wonder why that is a positive if you are simply changing from one item to another. The answer is one that always makes me happy and that is duel purpose. Many of these items contain or use the some of the same ingredients or parts to create. Thus giving you more flexibility in the use of your supply usage  Often the combination of these components is much less then the cost of the item its self especially if multiplied by the number of ways it can be used. Then of course there is the plus of being able to alter the recipe or design to suite your particular needs.

I already make a number of these items myself. Some of which I prefer to store bought. See if there are any that appeal to your sensibilities at the featured link below from  Urban Survival Site

25 Survival Items You Can Make Yourself

Additional DIY Survival Items


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