20 Tips for Being More Self-Sufficient Now

20 Tips for Being More Self-Sufficient Now

20 Tips for Being More Self-Sufficient Now

Image courtesy of Bing

No one really likes or wants to be totally dependent on someone else. When you completely rely on someone else they have all the power. It is literally the same thing when your relying on the system. They have all the power and you NEED the elusive “them”.

So what happens when “they” go away or say NO. You are without options.  Become more self-sufficient and reliant before that time comes. There may indeed come a time when the “they” “”them” or the “powers that be”  can’t help you even if they choose to. We know the economics of the system. The more people that need something the less of it there is even if the shortage is intentionally created and the higher the costs of getting what ever it is becomes. Take back your power!

20 ways to be more self-sufficient before ‘the crunch’ arrives


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