2 DIY Trip-line Alarms

2 DIY Trip-line Alarms

2 DIY Trip-line Alarms

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(2 links)

Trip-lines have been used forever as a security method. I would assume that it was the basis for the motion detecting lazar alarms of the high-end alarm systems today. Many of us can’t afford these high-tech systems and in a SHTF event or if you are off grid now, those systems require electricity or big batteries to work. If you’re camping, off grid, or the grid is down they become worthless.

I came across two great ideas for off grid trip alarms. Both do use technology, and both require small batteries for operation. But these items are so much less costly and the smaller batteries so much easier to find even in a SHTF scenario that they are really worth looking at.

The first is a very basic trip-line alarm made by using easily found inexpensive parts. Great for the campers or those who are on the move in a bug out situation. Check it out at this link

DIY TripWire Alarm Very Simple and Outrageously Loud (High Security Perimeter)

The second is a little more complicated and requires some adjustments to the very basic simple and inexpensive materials used. It is also a remote alarm so it can alert you from a distance and would be usable in a stable structure now or in a bug in situation. Step by step instructions can be found at this link

Remote Tripwire Alarm


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