What is Urban Survival Syndrome? Could it Affect You?

What is Urban Survival Syndrome? Could it Affect You?

What is Urban Survival Syndrome? Could it Affect You?

Photo: Huffington post

Urban or rural you could be affected by Urban Survival Syndrome. For most of us that aren’t in a negative urban location it could be a short term affect depending completely on our environment at the moment. But for long term city dwellers who happen to reside in high crime areas it can become more of a PTS type disorder long term. What about when the SHTF? I hear the shoot first ask questions later response all the time from preppers. This can be the result of urban survival syndrome pre-determined by assumed reactions.

Learn what urban survival syndrome is, how it is developed, and what types of behavior it can cause at our featured link from Survival Life below. Being aware of it is half the battle to resisting it’s pull.

What is Urban Survival Syndrome?


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