15 Foods You Can Regrow From Scraps

15 Foods You Can Regrow From Scraps

15 foods you can regrow from scraps

Image Source: pandawhale.com:

Did you know you can get free food from scraps? This is a great way to save some money on your grocery bill… Fun to do and teaches the kids lessons on food and gardening all at the same time.

Most of us throw away our scraps but after reading this article, i can probably bet a few bucks that you won’t any more… This is truly amazing. This could provide food in an emergency when food is low and hard to come by. Check out what foods you can grow…

I have actually done this, be warned some things take a whole lot of time to get to producing! My pineapple and avocados are lovely houseplants but I don’t see fresh pineapple in my near future! However when a friend or neighbor tells me “That is a cool plant. What is it?” I get full bragging rights. I have actually eaten and preserved via my dehydrator the celery grown this way. It is particularly good for dehydrating and using in soups, stews, and casseroles because the smaller shoots are stronger than what I had originally purchased. It also produced very quickly. My next test of this is cherries. See what you can grow from your scraps!

15 Foods You Can Regrow From Scraps


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