15 Cherokee Herbal Remedies

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15 Cherokee Herbal Remedies

 Cherokee Herbal Remedies

Photo: americanindianoriginals

Native American‘s have been practicing herbal medicine long before the European‘s stepped foot on this land. According to the elder storytellers they have been practicing their medical knowledge and the old ways since the beginning of time. Many of today’s modern medicines come from the herbal remedies of the past.

We can make use of this knowledge in some forms today. Although we would never recommend you use any herbal remedy against your doctor’s wishes and without his/her knowledge and approval. In a long term SHTF scenario this information could be life saving and priceless. But before you use any remedy even if trained medical care is not available you need to know what you are doing! Just as taking medications inappropriately using herbs incorrectly can be dangerous! I would recommend you start your reading with the featured article below and then continue gathering knowledge from any article, book or reliable source you can locate. Now before you might need it!

15 Medicinal Plants And Herbs From The Cherokee People


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