Surviving a Nuclear Blast

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Surviving a Nuclear Blast

 Surviving a Nuclear Blast

photo: robertsspaceindustries

In a world where terrorists or small states may be able to muster a 1-10 kiloton nuclear attack, a prudent individual might find it worthwhile to decide a course of action ahead of time.

Brian Dodson


As the generation born in the 50s and 60s become adults we grew up with the knowledge that not only do nuclear weapons exist but have seen the damage and long term effects from the atom bomb. Our technology has greatly improved since then and sadly along with those improvements that make our lives easier every day come those to nuclear weapons. More and more small radical groups and nations are becoming able to produce them. Eventually one of them will use them, we can only hope not in our lifetimes. But eventually it will  happen. As quoted by Brian Dodson above; we must set up a plan if we intend to survive and protect our children. The old adage of ‘duck and cover’ is still in part viable but not as previously hyped. Other actions will determine the long term results. See the recommendations for what to do once the blast has happened at the featured link below. It’s an older article but well worth the read.

How to survive a nuclear bomb: An update on “Duck and Cover”

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