Skills Needed After Economic Collapse

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Skills Needed After Economic Collapse

Skills Needed After Economic Collapse

Photo: alt-marketcom

After an economic collapse there will be a whole different economy that emerges based upon skill sets rather than financial success. I believe those with some financial security will hold out longer than those without the financial backup because in the beginning the system will attempt to hang on any way it can. Banks will foreclose and be unwilling to work with those hit first. But when the entire system crumbles down they will also come around to barter. so not owning your home, property even vehicle free and clear will be terrifying in the onset. But not long after they will become factually just another item to barter with.

Your skills and knowledge of surviving on less and under harsh circumstances will be the true test of survival. has put together a list of the skills they believe will be of the highest value after an economic collapse. It’s an older blog but still relevant today. See if you have them now or could develop them to provide for yourself and family when the dollar comes crashing down.

Skills You Need to Survive Economic Collapse


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