Home Remedies for Earaches & Ear Infections

 Home Remedies for Earaches & Ear Infections

Photo: lookfordiagnosis_com

Home Remedies for Earaches & Ear Infections

Earaches are the worst! Painful, distracting, causing sleepless nights and if the one suffering from the earache is a child their sleeplessness leads to your not sleeping either!  First and foremost, you want the pain to stop and any infection to be dealt with before it gets worse. This is true during normal times and would be even more so during or post SHTF when medical care may not be immediately available.

Ear infections are very common for children and babies especially while teething. The olive oil treatment has always worked well for me personally and for my children when they were small unless the infection was serious. Whenever an infection becomes more than mildly irritating or doesn’t respond within a few hours to a home remedy seek professional medical care if available. If it should happen to be during or after a SHTF scenario and medical care isn’t available, then try another of the remedies. What works for one person cannot work for another and vice versa.

See the most popular of earache home remedies including my own olive oil treatment at the link below.

Home remedies for the treatment of ear infections


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