Could We Handle Food Rationing Today?

Could We Handle Food Rationing Today?

Could We Handle Food Rationing Today?


It’s been many years since the majority of western countries have experienced the broad rationing of food. We’ve had shortages of specific items for periods of time which saw prices on said products shoot up and then slowly work their way back down as the market stabilized.

But nothing like the years of the world wars nor like we initially saw in countries that we watched economically crash. I am not speaking of items like avocados that many were concerned would be come in short supply in the near future. But of the basics like, flour, sugar, and butter. Items used to make the items we so now take for granted.

Like most western countries we have become reliant on easy premade and often precooked microwavable foods. How would those that never experienced the need to scratch cook deal with this kind of rationing? Even those of us who do cook from scratch won’t be unaffected if this becomes a necessity.

See more information on how food rationing today might affect the general public and preppers alike from Living Life in Rural Iowa at the featured link below

 Could We Handle Food Rationing Now? 


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